The Trip We Had No Business Taking

Huron River, Delhi Metropark to Honey Creek


9 June 2014

IMG_1733aThis paddle was a joyous one because it marked my return to the river after being side-lined for a couple weeks with a nasty sprained ankle. Now, you may be thinking, “hey, you don’t need two good ankles to paddle!” But you do need them to carry the boats up the stairs out of the basement and to steady yourself on wobbly put-ins.  So side-lined I was! To the left here, you can see the sprain when its bruise was at its most glorious.

So after weeks of sitting still, even this short 3-mile paddle was a real treat for me. Spring had clearly settled in on the river while I was away–the trees and even the river grass were lush and verdant, and the herons had made their return to the river. I was even glad to see the Tubbs Street rapids, which usually put a little bit of a chill in my spine. Would that we had more time to paddle right now!

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERABut we don’t, because Ellen and I are in the midst of buying and moving into a house! (Probably we should have been at home packing these boxes instead of out paddling.) Our new house has a garage that will make for much easier access to our boats. It may well be that we are able to sneak in another paddle before our moving date later this month, but once we are fully in the new place, it will be so nice to have a less fussy boat-loading process. So here’s to an easier trip set-up for us in the near future, and between now and then, keep your fingers crossed for us and send us good vibes for moving!

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